Winter Meeting

What is the Winter Meeting?

The Winter Meeting is open to all MIHA members (Executive Board members, District Chairpersons, Coaches, Adult Volunteers, Riders, and Grooms).  This annual meeting, held in February, is an important meeting to the operation on MIHA.  At the Winter Meeting, Constitution, By-Law, and Rule/Regulation changes are voted on by the entire membership.  Additionally, Executive Board members are voted on and elected by the membership. Other meeting activities include: reviewing the financial state of MIHA, announcing scholarship winners, announcing competition dates for the Regional and State Championship competitions, announcing dates for Rider Registration, as well as discussing patterns for the upcoming Junior High and High School seasons.  This meeting is your opportunity as an MIHA member to voice your opinion and be a part of forming the future on MIHA.  Lunch is also provided to all attendees.


February 8th, 2025 Doors Open 9:00AM ET Meeting starts @10:00AM ET


1295 Monroe Road (M46)
St. Louis, Michigan   48880 

Winter Meeting Documents: