Forms – District Chairpersons

These are all the documents and forms that District Chairpersons may need to reference.


District Registration Paperwork (all forms required for every District for Junior High and High School registration):

District Roster(2x copies required for JR and HS Registration) (New for 2024)

                  Team Roster – (2x copies required for JR and HS Registration) each registered Team, must designate all Coaches and Volunteers 

Criminal Sexual Conduct Check (Microsoft Word) or (PDF) (2x copies required for JR and HS Registration)

Annual Paperwork to be Turned into State:

District/Region Judge Payment Form (This is a Google form provided by State Treasurer by December 1st of each year)

District Financial Statement (2x required annually, one for Junior High and one for High School, due January 1st of each year)

District Coach Election Results (Turned into Executive Board by December 1st of each year)

Rider Registration Paperwork for Coaches (all forms required for each team):

One form per Rider:

Offline Rider Registration Form 

One form per Groom:

Offline Groom Registration Form

One form per Coach/Adult Volunteer:

Offline Volunteer Registration Form

Coach’s Concussion Training (Required for each coach every 4 years)

Two forms per Team:

Team Roster (Microsoft Excel) (New for 2016)

One form per Cooperative (JUNIOR HIGH):

Junior High Offline Cooperative Application (PDF) (ONLY needed for Junior High and ONLY needed if your team is forming a Cooperative with another Team)


Individual Education Plan Accommodations Form

General District Information:

District Chairperson Info Packet

Judge’s Contract Template

Judge’s Contract Template Example

District Accounting Guidelines

District Audit Schedule

For Running a Meet:

Junior High Rider Entry/Slot Sheet (Microsoft Excel)

Junior High Rider Entry/Slot Sheet (PDF)

High School Rider Entry/Slot Sheet (Microsoft Excel)

High School Rider Entry/Slot Sheet (PDF)

Trail Scoresheet 2024

             Reining Score Sheet

             Western Riding Score Sheet

            Ranch Riding Score Sheet  

Drop/Add Slot Sheet (Microsoft Excel)

Drop/Add Slot Sheet (PDF)

Accident Report (Microsoft Word)

Accident Report (PDF)

Accident Claim Form (Request this directly from

            District Back Numbers

District Tracker Software

Other Documents:

State Rule Change Proposal

     2024 MIHA Brochure


External Links:

4-H Judges List

State of Michigan CSC Website
                MI- OTIS
                MI – SOR