District Chairperson Links:
The Board of Directors is made up of the District Chairpersons of each of the 19 Districts that make up MIHA. They attend the monthly Board of Directors meetings. With the Executive Board, the Board of Directors make up the leadership of MIHA. The duties and responsibilities of the Board of Directors include policy making and determination of standard operating procedures for MIHA. As well as lead and manage the teams in their District. A District Chairperson is a registered adult coach, assistant adult coach or adult volunteer, who is elected by a majority vote, annually, of the registered adult coaches in their respective district.
This is a map of the general District lines for MIHA. There are many instances where teams are in different districts than these boundaries on the map. If you are unsure of which District your team is in, click here for a full team list to see if your school has a team and which District your school is a member of. If you are unsure, starting a new team, or just have general inquires about the District lines, please email the Executive Board
MIHA District Chairpersons:
District 1
Dakota Holman
Email: dakotaholman1996@gmail.com
Phone: (248) 390-3902983
District Website: http://d1.miha.org
District 2
Jessica Payne
Email: miha2ndvicechair@gmail.com
Phone: (517) 204-2639
District Website: http://d2.miha.org
District 3
Lisa Crowder
Email: MIHADC3@gmail.com
Phone: (269) 208-0652
District Website:
District 4
Kelly Collison
Email: mihad4@yahoo.com
Phone: (734) 389-6443
District Website: http://d4.miha.org
District 5
Candice Russell
Email: mihadistrict5@gmail.com
Phone: (616) 915-8802
District Website: http://d5.miha.org
District 6
Shelly Miller – Kristy Stecker
Email: district6@yahoo.com
Phone: (989) 708-6683
District Website: http://d6.miha.org
District 7
Myra Zolynsky
Email: mzolynsky1@aol.com
Phone: (248) 231-9165
District Website: http://d7.miha.org
District 8
Tiffany Spedowski
Email: tspeds@yahoo.com
Phone: (231) 287-0113
District Website: http://d8.miha.org/
District 9
Jason Rice
Email: mihadistrict9chairperson@gmail.com
Phone: (231) 903-3820
District Website: http://d9.miha.org/
District 10
Tracy Marr
Email: tracy6_78@yahoo.com
Phone: (517) 206-3194
District Website: http://d10.miha.org/
District 11
Vicki Karrer
Email: pickupcowgirl3@yahoo.com
Phone: (989) 721-8004
District Website: http://d11.miha.org
District 12
Linda Taylor
Email: taylorhzl@aol.com
Phone: (810) 824-0046
District Website: http://d12.miha.org
District 14
Marie Curell
Email: curellm@hotmail.com
Phone: (810) 614-9390
District Website: http://d14.miha.org
District 15
Dawne Steele
Email: dawnesteele@gmail.com
Phone: (269) 744-2914
District Website: http://d15.miha.org
District 16
Emily Siriano
Email: Emily.siriano@live.com
Phone: (616) 212-9415
District Website: http://d16.miha.org/
District 17
Hidi Morford
Email: hmorford@hotmail.com
Phone: (989) 763-1564
District Website: http://d17.miha.org
District 18
Jeanna Michalek
Email: jeannamichalek@gmail.com
Phone: (517) 643-1778
District Website:
District 19
Sheryl Dreyer
Email: sheryldreyer@gmail.com
Phone: (616) 366-3733
District Website: http://d19.miha.org
District 20
Casey Butler
Email: ccbutler1@live.com
Phone: (231) 350-2878
District Website: http://d20.miha.org/